Explore my code and designs online

Chuánqí Sun
Web Designer + Creative Developer | Microsoft


Education Dartmouth College | B.A. in Computer Science | | Summa cum laude (GPA 3.92)

Arts and design coursework
  • 3D animation
  • Data visualization
  • Drawing
  • Photography
  • Programming interactive art
Science and engineering coursework
  • Algorithms
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Machine learning
  • Object-oriented programming
  • Software design and implementation

Extracurricular projects

  • Project inSight
    Supercharged course-picking with machine learning based recommendations and big-data driven visualizations
  • Hanover weather data audiovisual experience
    Transformed public weather data into an audiovisual rollercoaster ride
  • Gesture-controlled learning game
    Helped user achieve learning goals with a game, winning $1000 in the Intel Perceptual Computing Challenge
  • Smart light control interface
    Build an IoT Hub that conserved energy for a 91,800 sqft field house lit with smart lights